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WV Pollution Prevention (P2) Program

Install Sequencer Control for the Existing Compressors in the Plant

For a facility with multiple air compressors, use of sequencer is a best practice to optimize the operation of the sequenced compressors. If the operational profiles i.e., compressed air system current consumption profile data for each compressor denote that the compressors were underutilized, they operate at a lower system efficiency. In this case, the automatic compressors’ sequencing will be decided by a PLC controller to operate the most efficient compressors. This sequencer update alone can save significant amount of compressor operational costs.

The BestPractices software tool (AirMaster+) was used during the analysis phase of this assessment recommendation. AIRMaster+ provides a systematic approach for assessing the supply-side performance of compressed air systems. It provides useful estimates of the potential savings to be gained from selected energy efficiency measures and calculates the associated simple payback periods. The facility is encouraged to utilize these tools as part of its continuous improvement process. Understanding the savings estimation for this recommendation and detailed information on compressed air. Various tools like AIRMaster+, logtool and MEASUR can help estimate the savings and to assess existing energy systems in the facility.